
All one needs to practice is to live 

a life of sharing and caring.

– Paramahamsa Prajnanananda
Spotlight is HAND IN HAND’s magazine.

It is published once a year and informs you about current developments and projects. It is the means for you to learn about what is happening with the aid of your donation, with your support, and through your trust in the work of HAND IN HAND and PRAJNANA MISSION.

Spotlight 2023
Spotlight 2022
Spotlight 2021
Spotlight 2020

Spotlight 2019

Spotlight 2018

Spotlight 2017

Spotlight 2016

Spotlight 2015

Spotlight 2014

Spotlight 2013

Spotlight 2012

Spotlight 2011

Spotlight 2010

Spotlight 2009

Spotlight 2008

Spotlight 2007

Spotlight 2006

Spotlight 2005