Legal notice

Hand in Hand, Organisation for Humanitarian Aid

1120 Vienna, Pohlgasse 10/4/7

Tel: +43 (0) 650 7026050

Purpose of the Association, please see the Hand in Hand bylaws -> HiH Statuten 2024.pdf

Regulatory authority:Regional Police Head Office Vienna – Department for association, assembly and media- related matters; the Federal Ministry of Interior

The Central Register of Associations (Zentrales Vereinsregister ZVR) — Number 622986022

Entitled to the Austrian Certificate of Donation 05169
since 10.12.2003, which is re-examined and certified on a yearly basis

Certificate of Donation beneficiary SO 1407

President Peter van Breukelen (address as mentioned above)

Responsible for the content and privacy policy: business manager Ursula Schmidtke (address as mentioned above)

Responsible for the use of donations: treasurer Annemarie Ackerl (address as mentioned above)

Contents and graphics on this website are protected by copyright, all rights are therefore reserved. The data supplied on this website has been produced to the best of our knowledge and belief, and carefully checked for their correctness. We do not take responsibility for the content of any website linked to us. These are beyond our control and not part of our website. The links are only created for further advice and information.

Creation of the website in cooperation with Hand in Hand: sisa/works and Thomas Maakt Websites Beter