Service to humanity –
is service to God.
– Paramahamsa Hariharananda
Learn more about our current projects in the field of education:
- The Hariharananda Balashram Residential School, HAND IN HAND’s largest project, provides a safe home, competent healthcare and world-class education to children who were living in extreme poverty, many of whom have lost one or both parents.
- “Chrysalis”—the Balashram follow-up project – accompanies graduates of the Balashram Residential School who have become young adults, in their transition to a self-determined, independent life.
- As a “Life Skills and Community Development Project”, the Tutoring Centre in Arua offers free tutoring for children and young people with insufficient schooling, whilst actively involving their parents.

The various HAND IN HAND health projects – the “Hariharananda Charitable Health Centres” (HCHC) – offer healthcare services in structurally weak regions, by providing medical and dental care to people who otherwise would not have access to adequate healthcare. The HCHCs are located in Athagarh, Arua, Balighai, Bhisindipur, Jagatpur. As many as 30 male and female doctors offer general and specialised medical services at the Health Centres and Mobile Health Camps, for people who need to have access to proper medical and dental care. The HCHCs now comprise:
- A Day Hospital (Jagatpur)
- 2 Health Centres (Puri and Bhisindipur)
- 2 Village Health Projects (Arua and Athagarh)

Disaster Relief
Thanks to a disaster fund, HAND IN HAND is in the position to immediately provide rapid and sustainable on-site aid in the event of disasters, especially with natural catastrophes. In close cooperation with PRAJNANA MISSION, victims can be quickly taken care of, and sustainable relief projects can be organised and implemented according to the needs. This includes, among other things:
- Rapid supply of food, medicine and emergency parcels
- Acquisition of land for the construction of storm- and flood-proof dwellings
- Handing over seeds and seedlings to people affected by the disasters
- Massive replanting and reforestation