Welcome to
Hand in Hand!
Feed the hungry, teach the students,
nurse the sick, and give
solace to the distressed.
– Paramahamsa Hariharananda
Founder of HAND IN HAND
About Hand in Hand
HAND IN HAND is an international, non-profit, humanitarian aid organisation based in Europe and the USA. It was founded by a handful of committed people in Vienna, in March 2000, after a super cyclone in 1999 caused enormous devastation in Odisha – one of India’s poorest states. The famine and drought that followed, as well as the new, severe floods barely a year after the storm disaster, made it extremely clear how much needed to be done to alleviate a situation of huge distress and need. Understandably, the founders of HAND IN HAND asked themselves: “Is whatever we can do, ultimately, just a drop in the ocean?” Today, after more than 20 years of HAND IN HAND, one thing is certain: “ONE DROP CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE” – every contribution, no matter how small, can make a difference – for everyone.
From the bottom of our hearts: Thank You!


Events & News

Our Team & Supporters


HIH Worldwide Locations
The three pillars of HAND IN HAND’s activities are:
• Education
• Health
• Disaster Relief



Disaster relief
Hand in Hand Worldwide