The greatest happiness in the world –
is to make others happy.
– Luther Burbank
Every contribution, every “drop”, makes a difference. All the more so when a wave of humanity and solidarity emerges from many small “drops” of readiness to help.
Connectedness and compassion show themselves in small, as well as in big gestures and change the world for the better. We are convinced that a better future for all is possible:
Together – HAND IN HAND – Now!

AUSTRIA / INTERNATIONAL HAND IN HAND, Organisation für humanitäre Hilfe Erste Bank Baden IBAN: AT07 2011 1286 2802 5101 BIC: GIBAATWWXXX Donation Deductibility SO 1407 |
GERMANY STIFTUNG HAND IN HAND DEUTSCHLAND Bank für Sozialwirtschaft IBAN: DE37 7002 0500 3750 9300 93 BIC: BFSWDE33MUE Donation Deductibility |
SWITZERLAND VEREIN HAND IN HAND SCHWEIZ Raiffeisenbank Emmen Konto 17801.35 Post-Konto: 60-6768-2 IBAN CH98 8080 8007 7958 0123 4 BC: 80808 BIC: RAIFCH22 Tax benefit |
NETHERLANDS STICHTING HAND IN HAND NEDERLAND ING Bank IBAN: NL64 INGB 0002 7637 56 BIC: INGBNL2A Donation Tax Deductibility www.handinhandnederland.org |
FRANCE HAND IN HAND FRANCE Crédit Mutuel de Bretagne / CCM MUR-UZEL IBAN: FR76 1558 9228 2302 7456 1224 086 BIC: CMBRFR2BARK https://www.helloasso.com/associations/hand-in-hand-france/formulaires/1/widget |
POLAND HAND IN HAND Organization Austria For Donations in Polish Zloty mBank S.A. nr. konta: 74 1140 2105 0000 4911 3000 1001 |