Hand in Hand
In a gentle way,
you can shake the world.
– Mahatma Gandhi
HAND IN HAND International
The active role of the organisation founded in Vienna in the field of humanitarian aid, as well as the great commitment of volunteers to HAND IN HAND, soon led to the foundation of sister organisations, namely, in 2001 in the USA , 2005 in Germany, 2006 in Switzerland, 2007 in Holland and 2008 in France. In addition, many HAND IN HAND supporting groups have emerged, most notably in the UK and Poland, but also in many other countries.
The joint aid projects comprise:
- Areas of education and vocational training, especially for children living in extreme poverty
- Medical care, as well as preventive measures to maintain health and promote health for people without access to adequate health care
- Rapid and sustainable disaster relief to protect people, animals and the environment

The cornerstone for the founding of HAND IN HAND was laid by Paramahamsa Hariharananda, the great philanthropist who always said throughout his life, “Give medicine and medical care to the sick, food to the hungry, education to the children, courage to those in need, and spiritual guidance to those who ask for it; and above all, give love and free people from anxiety and fear.”
Since the first day of the foundation of HAND IN HAND, our motto has been: “ONE DROP CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE” – every contribution can make a difference. This motto has been a constant source of inspiration for all those who have supported HAND IN HAND for the past two decades.
Our focus is on the holistic development of children, the care of the sick, as well as the selfless help in time of need – and thus on the service to humanity in general. From the bottom of our hearts, we believe that together – HAND IN HAND – we can contribute to create a socially and ecologically positive existence in this world, a life in love, peace and dignity for all.

HAND IN HAND is an independent, non-denominational, non-profit humanitarian aid organisation, whose ambition is to help break the terrible cycle of poverty, effectively, sustainably and in global cooperation. Hand in Hand, step by step, aspires to:
- Give children living in extreme poverty, a secure home, adequate health care and first-class education
- Provide medical care for people who would otherwise have no access to adequate health services and medicines
- Provide rapid and sustainable assistance for the protection of people, animals and the environment in the event of natural disasters

Sphere of Action
HAND IN HAND’s humanitarian aid extends to all countries of the world in accordance with our statutes. However, it has so far concentrated on Odisha, and there is a reason for this: India’s eighth largest state is also one of the poorest in the world. Due to the numerous floods, cyclones, heat waves and droughts, Odisha is also called “India’s capital of natural disasters”. This makes it virtually impossible for the country to overcome rampant poverty without aid.

Our Partner in India
HAND IN HAND strives to cooperate with locally existing institutions in the planning and implementation of the aid projects. The goal is increasing autonomy on site, so that over time, the HAND IN HAND projects can be continued independently. For the effective humanitarian aid in Odisha, the cooperation with PRAJNANA MISSION has proven itself the best way from the very beginning. For more than two decades this partner organisation of HAND IN HAND in India, has accompanied and monitored the implementation of our projects, reliably and, on site.

Our Strength
A great deal of trust is placed in HAND IN HAND. This is shown by the overwhelming and predominantly voluntary commitment of all those involved. The successful cooperation with the partner organisation in India, PRAJNANA MISSION, also makes it possible for your donations to flow almost completely into the aid projects, which are implemented with a high degree of effectiveness:
- Between 80-90% of the donated funds in Europe, as well as in the USA
- 100% of the money donated to the projects by Switzerland and Great Britain

20 Years of HAND IN HAND
On the occasion of 20th anniversary of Hand in Hand, a video has been made in which you can see what has been done with the donations – perhaps also yours – in these 20 years.
Enjoy the video…